
A meteoroid from a Jupiter family comet recorded as a bright bolide in 2012


The continuous monitoring of meteor and fireball provides information about the origin and nature of meteoroids ablating in the Earth's atmosphere, but also about the mechanisms that deliver these materials to our planet. Thus, for instance, from the analysis of meteor events simultaneously imaged from, at least, two different locations it is possible to obtain atmospheric trajectories, radiant, orbital and physicochemical parameters such as the mass of the meteoroids and the tensile strengths of these particles [1, 2, 3]. In addition, meteor spectroscopy provides helpful information about the chemical nature of meteoroids [5, 6, 7]. With this aim, the SPanish Meteor Network (SPMN) is performing a continuous fireball monitoring and meteor spectroscopy campaign over Spain and neighbouring areas. Here we present orbital and chemical information derived from the analysis of a fireball imaged in 2012. This event was produced by a meteoroid from a Jupiter Family Comet

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