
Study of wetland evolution in a semiarid region using GIS. Case of Cañada de Las Norias (Campo de Dalías, SE Spain)


The continuous elevation of the water level in the Cañada de Las Norias pools provokes a significant flood hazard on one quarter of Las Norias and the greenhouses in the area. Because of the flood hazard the government created a drainage system that includes a pumping station with a capacity of 135 l/s and a conduction of 7,26 km for the drainage of the pool. While the water level is generally rising, measurements by the agricultural department show that the water level has decreased 12.5 cm since October 2003. This work presents a GIS application to estimate the variation of wetland water volume and the rate of discharge from Balerma-Las Marinas aquifer by means of orthophotos and piezometric measure

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