Layer parallel shortening and tectonic transport direction inferred by the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility
(AMS) from Central-Pyrenees post-hercynian rocks, Aragón-Subordán valley, Pirineo Oscense
A N-S section has been studied in post-hercynian rocks of a Central Pyrenees sector in order to search for
a relationship between magnetic fabric (ASM) and the regional deformation pattern. The section, which is
normal to the main ESE-WNW macrostructures, comprises materials from Upper Cretaceous to Eocene
(nine sites, 253 samples). Two main types of stretching lineations have been interpreted from the ASM
fabrics: The first one is defined by a magnetic lineation parallel to the major structures and interpreted by
layer-parallel shortening. The second one is normal to the bedding-cleavage intersection lineation and
thus coincides with the regional tectonic transport direction. Both magnetic lineations fit into the bedding
surface and them are not related with the regional cleavage, suggesting its early acquisitio