
Certain Changes to Training Companies Due to Social Web Development


Companies use many different marketing strategies in order to make their products known and place their corporate images and brandings in the market. Besides, nowadays, being on the Internet is a must for every company striving for success. The development and implementation of Web 2.0 or social web are threatening the basis of the ways of mixing with other people. A company devoted to open and distance learning, such as Master-D Corporation, a clear example of how a proper and planned use of the different possibilities offered by the Web 2.0, based on blogs, allows a company to achieve bigger market shares and brand positioning following the win-win principle. Blogs are, undoubtedly, channels of communication that prove the power of attraction of good information. These changes are affecting everybody and, in particular, companies and institutions related to people’s education, teaching and training for their inclusion in society and labor market. This essay brings up some reflections in two ways: The first one deals with some reasons why education is also related to the concept of “company”; and the second one deals with how these changes generated by Web 2.0 are affecting some training companies, represented in this case by Master-D

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