
Ethnobotanical Observation on Tuberous Plants from Tribal Area of Rajasthan (India)


The present paper gives an account of 42 tuberous plants of Ethnobotanical interest from Aravalli hills of Rajasthan. Main tribes inhabiting the study area are Bhil, Meena, Garasia, Damor and Kathodi. These tribes use the tuberous plants for various purposes in their daily life. Health, vitality and longevity enjoyed by the tribals have been attributed by them to these wild tuberous plants. On account of environmental changes and lack of insight of conservation of tuberous plants, many of them have become rare, threatened and endangered. If proper attention is not given, extinction of these plant species is certain and this is beyond doubt. Therefore identification and utility of these tuberous plants and compilation of a database on local information held by the tribes is stressed. Ethnobotanical information about tuberous plants is given by mentioning their botanical name, family, local name, time of flowering and fruiting, ecology and uses

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