Effects of Some Heavy Metals on Chlorophyll Accumulation in \u3cem\u3eBarbula lambarenensis\u3c/em\u3e


Samples of moss (Barbula lambarenensis) with their substrates collected from Belewu Drive, Oke Odo, Ilorin, were taken to the screen house of the University of Ilorin biological garden to monitor the effects and tolerance of this plant to different heavy metals. The moss samples were divided into eleven regimes, widely separated from one another to avoid contaminations. Ten regimes were differently irrigated with 1000 ppm and 2000 ppm of lead, copper, cadmium, iron and vanadium thrice a week. The eleventh treatment served as the control, and was irrigated with distilled water. It was found that these heavy metals caused some damage to the chloroplasts of this plant as the bright green colours changed light green, yellowish green or brown. The concentrations of the used heavy metals are phytotoxic. In light of this, Barbula lambarenensis can serve as a bio-indicator of heavy metals

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