Geotechnical Site Assessment by Seismic Piezocone Test in North of Denmark


These days cone penetration tests (CPT) have gained more popularity as an alternative to the conventional laboratory tests for subsurface investigation and estimation of soil parameters. Due to increasing interest in soil dynamics in the last decades, there is a development of CPT as a seismic piezocone penetration test (SCPTU) which provides shear wave velocity measurements simultaneously with measurements of tip resistance (qc), sleeve friction (fs) and pore pressure (u). The results can be used for determination of deformation parameters of soil. In this regard there have been proposed different empirical correlations between cone data and shear wave velocity measurements to estimate geotechnical parameters but their validity still needs to be verified in a case study and uncertainty remains about the choice of empirical correlations. In this study a site at the East Harbor of Aalborg (sandy site) and another at the Harbor of Frederikshavn (clayey site) in Denmark, where sever al SCPTU tests have been conducted, are considered. The data were used and analyzed based on different correlations presented in the literature. The results are further compared and verified with the measurements of shear wave velocity achieved from SCPTU tests

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