Construction and Characterization of a PGN_0297 Mutant of Porphyromonas gingivalis: Evidence of the Contribution of PGN_0297 to Gingipain Activity


The periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis shows colonial pigmentation on blood agar and produces gingipains (Kgp, RgpA, and RgpB), cysteine proteases involved in an organism’s virulence and pigmentation. We showed previously that deletion of the PGN_0300 gene abolished the pigmentation activity and reduced the proteolytic activity of gingipains. The role of the PGN_0297 gene, which consists of an operon with the PGN_0300 gene, is unclear. Herein we examined the effect of PGN_0297 gene deletion on the pigmentation and proteolytic activities and transcriptional levels of gingipains. A PGN_0297 gene deletion mutant (ΔPGN_0297) did not exhibit the pigmentation. The proteolytic activity of the gingipains was decreased in the culture supernatant and on the cell surface of ΔPGN_0297. The mutant ΔPGN_0297 failed to attenuate Akt phosphorylation at Thr308 and Ser473, but both phosphorylations were attenuated in the wild-type and its complementation strain. The deletion of PGN_0297 gene did not substantially affect the transcriptional levels of the gingipain genes kgp, rgpA, and rgpB. Taken together, these results indicate that PGN_0297 is closely involved in the secretion and maturation of gingipains

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