How the Emotions of Teachers Influence Their Autonomous Professional Development:The Cognitive Appraisal Style Used by High School Teachers with Different Teaching Goals


本研究は,授業中の感情経験が教師の自律的発達に及ぼす影響を検討するため,異なる授業目標を掲げる高校 教師2名に面接調査を実施した。授業の特定状況に対する認知評価様式から両者の感惰経験を比較した結果,生 徒の学習意欲喚起を授業目標に掲げる教師は教師-生徒間対話成立可能性で状況評価し,生徒の消極的授業参加 行動の生起原因を生徒に帰属していらだちや退屈を経験する傾向が示された。一方,生徒間の学び合う関係形成 を授業目標に掲げる教師は生徒間対話成立可能性で状況評価し,生徒の消極的授業参加行動の生起原因を自己に 帰属して苦しみや困惑を経験する傾向が示された。ただし,教師2名は生徒の行為から生起する快感情,授業方 略の失敗から生起する自己意識感情により実践の省察を行っていたことから,教師はそれぞれ個別の学級生徒の 学習と成長に責任を負う自律性を維持しながら,感情経験を手がかりにして専門的発達を遂げると示唆された。 This study used interviews with two teachers, based on observations of their classes, to explore how the emotions of teachers influence their autonomous professional development. One teacher aimed at creating mutual learning relationships among students, and the other teacher aimed at activating students' motivation for learning. The findings are discussed in what follows. The styles of cognitive appraisal used by these teachers in specific situations were examined and their emotional experiences were compared. The first teacher experienced irritation, which was interpreted as a response to the students' negative participation in the class, whereas the second teacher evaluated his performance from the perspective of generating relevant conversations among students, whereas the second teacher based such evaluations on eliciting appropriate interactions between teacher and students. However, the second teacher experienced distress and embarrassment, which were attributed to his own performance. However, both teachers reflected on their experiences and improved their teaching by increasing their consciousness of the negative emotions emerging from failures in their teaching strategies as well as the positive emotions elicited by the behaviour of students. These results suggest that teachers should reflect on their practice and develop professionally by maintaining autonomous responsibility for their own learning as well as for the growth of their students by attending to subjective emotional experiences

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