Electrochemical interactions of some platinum group minerals with flotation reagents


The recovery of base metal sulfides has been emphasized in the study of the flotation of platinum group minerals (PGMs). However, in some ore bodies such as the Platreef of the Bushveld Complex, sulfide minerals do not make up the majority of the more significant PGM mineralization. It is therefore important to develop a fundamental understanding of how non-sulfide and sulfide PGMs respond respectively to the current reagents being used in the flotation of these minerals. The interactions between platinum and palladium sulfides and tellurides with the thiol collectors, ethyl xanthate and diethyl dithiophosphate, have been studied using the electrochemical techniques of mineral rest potential and voltammetry measurements. The differences in the interaction between the two types of minerals with these reagents were of key interest. Rest potential measurements indicated stronger electrochemical interactions of the minerals with ethyl xanthate than diethyl dithiophosphate. These measurements also indicated that there are different forms of oxidized collector present on the mineral surfaces after interaction with ethyl xanthates. Voltammetry measurements support these observations and suggest differences of adsorption on Pt and Pd sulfides than on Pt and Pd tellurides. Voltammetry also showed that there was minimal electrochemical interaction between the Pt and Pd minerals and diethyl dithiophosphate

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