Experiencing the flash mob: Meanings and experiences in an unplanned event in Singapore


The flash mob phenomenon while capturing public interests and trending globally on social media, has not been comprehensively investigated conceptually. While this contemporary topic has been examined by authors in a small number of disciplines, its investigation and conceptualization within event studies has been limited. This study explores the phenomenon of flash mobs from an experiential and psychological perspective. Specifically, it investigates the dimensions of personal and social experiences and meanings within the context of flash mobs as unplanned and spontaneous events from an Asian perspective. Data for this study was gathered using the specific example of a flash mob created and performed by a group of 45 students at a mall in Singapore, themed around the Lunar New Year festivities. Qualitative interviews, semi-structured questionnaires, observation and post-activity focus group were employed to collect narratives from participants (flash mobbers) and audience in this exploratory study

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