
Algunas experiencias de formación permanente en Gran Bretaña


ene of the purpoees of this article is to pi-eoait ttie main in-eervioe teacher traiiúi^ and educatior Unas in Qr«at Britain. Hjr foote is oetitred in ti» aptroach develcped by Sterhouse, EUlott and MadJcrald in the 7DB tiiroMBh * e UranitieB OnrlciiUin Project and tí» Ford Teechii^ Project. Approach which CHE (Centre for Applied Research in Educaticn, Uhiveraity of East A«lia) snd CABJ (Caasaroom Acticn Research) are deepaning and extending. There i s alao a short referenoe to crther eoqjerienciss of in-servLoe tBwrher Iraining in Cantrldge and ^k3rwich

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