
A Revitalization and Growth Strategy for the African Methodist Episcopal Churches in the Virginia Conference


The purpose of this study was to analyze the current environments prevailing in the sixty-three A. M. E. Churches in the Virginia Conference and develop strategies to revitalize them, improve their health and increase their spiritual and numerical growth. Data collection and analysis utilized quantitative research methods. This study presented: (1) a historic profile of the A. M. E. church in the U. S., so readers could understand the roots of the church; (2 Biblical support for the church, its ministry, missions, evangelism and growth; (4) Biblical evidence to support the need for a coordinated strategy to train, develop and nurture present and future church leaders; (4) the role of the Holy Spirit and responsibility of church leaders for establishing and maintaining a worship atmosphere where God is extolled, and lives are changed; 5 ) Survey results showing the current health and leadership trends prevailing in the selected Churches; and, (5) present strategies for church revitalization and growth

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