
Improved method of porcine renal allografting for transplantation Research


This study presents a refined, reproducible, and clinically appropriate animal model of renal transplantation. A pair of kidneys are harvested from a donor pig and preserved in Euro-Collins' solution (4°C). After a set period of preservation, the allografts are transplanted to two recipient pigs. The abdomen is entered through a midline incision. The right common iliac artery and vein are dissected and bilateral native nephrectomy is performed. Each allograft is then randomly assigned and transplanted to the recipients. Three minutes before un- clamping, 100 mg offurosemide and 10 g of mannitol are given IV. Immediately after reperfusion, urine output is measured for 1 h. The allograft is biopsied and ureteroneocyslostomy is created. Cystostomy is then placed using a 16F Foley catheter. The bladder neck is ligated to secure complete diversion of urine, and the abdomen is closed in layers. This kidney transplant model allows an absolutely paired study of the kidney allograft function from the same donor and also collection of pure urine at any time postoperatively, obviating the need for metabolic cages or sedation for urinary collection. This model and its unique modifications allow various transplant studies, including organ preservation, immunosuppressive protocol, and the prevention of reperfusion injury from oxygen free radicals © 1991 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

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