
Kandungan Logam Berat Cu Dalam Ikan Bandeng, Studi Kasus Di Tambak Wilayah Tapak Semarang


ABSTRACT The declining of river environmental quality due to pollution would impact on inland pond environment in the coastal areas. In order that milkfish culture in the coastal areas could produce healthy fish the water and the clean unpolluted inland ponds are required. The quality of the environment impacts and determines the quality of the cultured fish. The currect study aimed to determine the content of heavy metal Cu in the body of milkfish cultured in the inland ponds along Tapak area, Semarang. By knowing the content of Cu in the pond water, the feasibility of the inland ponds for the culture of milkfish may be determined. Result showed that the content of Cu in the milkfish body ranged from <0,01 to 3.28 mg/kg, whereas the content of Cu in the pond water was <0,01 mg/l (undetected). This means that Cu content in the body of milkfish and in the pond water in Tapak Area Semarang was still lower than the threshold value. Milkfish cultured in Tapak Area is considered consumable. Inland ponds in Tapak Area is feasible for milkfish culture. Keywords: Cu, heavy metal, milkfish inland pond, Tapak Are

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