


Ceramic is one of the artwork that commonly known in Indonesia. The making of ceramic use the clay as it basic material and made through long process, such as shaping, drying and burning. As I mean here, ceramic artwork visualized as expressive ceramic which in its function role as decoration that can be combined with differs or natural stone, sandy, iron, bamboo and chrystal, in order to transform may idea into a real object and make people easier to enjoy this artwork. The making of this artwork based on my curiosity to Devi Saraswati, Goddesses or art and science in Hindu believe which in her appearance, this goddesses standing on lotus flower, with her four arms holding: vina, genitri, lontar and lotus. This symbolization is applied by the women that can be seen in their spirit to struggle in facing a hard life with it is many problems in any kind of place and situation. In visualizing this ceramic artwork, I took figure of lotus as main object to describe symbolic subject, which is not in it is own real figure meaning as flower, but as a symbolization of female

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