[The revision of the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network in 1993/94.]


Abstract niet beschikbaarIn 1993 activities have been performed to come to a revision of the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network. After consultation of the Directorate of the Environment and the provinces a revised form of the network has been defined. The revised network is made up of 56 locations (was: 105), i.e. a basic set of 26 regional locations, 10 supplementary regional locations and 20 locations in cities. An extensive number of measurements is carried on the locations of the basic set ; in general, on the supplementary stations only one activity is carried out. The intensification of the measurements in cities has found expression in ten sites for the measurement of sulphur dioxide and nine sites for the measurement of PM10 ; in both cases five of the sites are street stations. The number of automatic measurement devices has declined by a 20% ; the reduction in the number of devices for the measurement of sulphur dioxide is more than 50%. The extent of the meteorological observations will be reduced to the measurement of wind on six locations.DGM/L

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