The rise of the flip: Successfully engaging students in pre-class activities through the use of technology and a flipped classroom design template


Educational literature has acknowledged that teaching students who are prepared for class encourages student engagement and active learning. This is a core reason why the flipped classroom has risen to the forefront of effective learning strategies. However, key to the success of this strategy lies in the ability to motivate students to complete the necessary pre-class activities, posing a real issue in higher education settings. Teachers still ask 'How can I be sure if my students have completed their pre-class activities? How do I motivate students to want to engage in pre-class preparation? This paper will demonstrate how mindfully designed pre-class learning approaches can successfully motivate students to complete pre-class activities that prepare them for active in-class learning. A pilot design template created by a community of colleagues, highlights how the use of simple technologies aligned to sound pedagogies, effectively engage students through accountability across a range of undergraduate courses

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