Re-establishing recreational prawning in the Swan-Canning Estuary


This project builds on the work of a previous Recreational Fishing Initiatives Fund Project to pilot the culture and of the Western School Prawn (Metapenaeus dalli) in to the Swan-Canning Estuary and increase interest in prawning via a citizen science/community engagement project. Having developed, for the first time, successful aquaculture techniques for this species in the former project, the current project utilised these techniques to release ~2 million hatchery-reared post-larval M. dalli in to the Swan-Canning Estuary. It also produced good-quality data to inform the management of this iconic species, re-engaged community with the prawns and stewardship of the estuary through a citizen science program (Prawn Watch) and developed a refined citizen science monitoring program for M. dalli that could be used in the future

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