Nagidos'un Tarihteki Yeri


The aim of this article is to search the answer of the degree of independancy of Nagidos in the light of the coins found during the excavations and by studying the architectural constructions such as the fortifications and the fundaments of a building. It seems so as Nagidos has been able to protect its indépendance quite well inspite of the "age of the satraps". Signs for this fact are the more Greek and less "Persianized" coin strucks and the ability to fortify their settlement. Things changed with the "age of Alexander the Great" and Nagidos was not able to struck coins any longer ; Nagidos had to give furthermore a part of its territory to new settlers. Conclusion is that "Space" and "Power" relations varied in Nagidos.Durugönül Serra. Nagidos'un Tarihteki Yeri. In: La Cilicie : espaces et pouvoirs locaux (IIe millénaire av. J.-C. – IVe siècle ap. J.-C.). Actes de la Table Ronde d’Istanbul, 2-5 novembre 1999. Istanbul : Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes-Georges Dumézil, 2001. pp. 429-443. (Varia Anatolica, 13

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