De Tarse à Mazaka et de Tarkumuwa à Datamès : d'une Cilicie à l'autre ?


In this study are re-examined the Datâmes' career and the important coinages of Tarkumuwa. The principal conclusions are : 1) Datames was only the satrap of Cappadocia. His government was probably installed at Mazaka, the capital of the Cappadocian strategy named "Cilicia" in ancient sources and distinct from the Classical Cilicia ; 2) Tarkumuwa, unknown in Classical sources, whose Cilician coins are the one and only source of documentation to delimit his political identity, could have played an important part in the organisation of Anatolia after the Antalkidas' Treaty, from the end of 380's B.C. His role could have been similar to the Hekatomnids' one in Caria : he was the Cilician satrap and a Tarsian dynast as well.Casabonne Olivier. De Tarse à Mazaka et de Tarkumuwa à Datamès : d'une Cilicie à l'autre ?. In: La Cilicie : espaces et pouvoirs locaux (IIe millénaire av. J.-C. – IVe siècle ap. J.-C.). Actes de la Table Ronde d’Istanbul, 2-5 novembre 1999. Istanbul : Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes-Georges Dumézil, 2001. pp. 243-263. (Varia Anatolica, 13

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