At several sites drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 133 on the Queensland Plateau, larger shallow-water benthic foraminifers have been recovered from neritic carbonates and from turbidites that consist of shallow-water-derived material. Within neritic sediments, the occurrence of different faunal associations provides a tool for biostratigraphic subdivision.
Three main phases of neritic deposition occurred on the Queensland Plateau. An Eocene episode is characterized by subtropical to temperate associations (Operculina—Nummulites Facies). It is unconformably followed by a late Oligocene to middle Miocene episode that contains tropical to subtropical associations (Spiroclypeus Facies, Larger Foraminifer-Coral Facies, Austrotrillina Facies, Flosculinella-Amphistegina Facies, Marginopora Facies, and Miogypsina Facies).
After the middle Miocene, most of the Queensland Plateau carbonate platform was drowned. The post-middle Miocene to Holocene reefs, which are characterized by a geographically more restricted distribution, shed neritic material including larger benthic foraminifers into adjacent basinal areas. This process is associated with a partial reworking of middle Miocene deposits containing Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina)