
Assessment of perspectives and challenges on sustainability in Palestine


Part of: Seliger, Günther (Ed.): Innovative solutions : proceedings / 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Berlin, Germany, 23rd - 25th September, 2013. - Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, 2013. - ISBN 978-3-7983-2609-5 (online). - - pp. 177–180.Sustainability has rapidly become imperative at a global level. Collaborative work is required to address the global challenges. However, the effort towards sustainability varies between developing and developed countries. Assessing sustainability in Palestine with its unique context can exemplify the awareness and understanding of sustainability in developing countries. The objective of this paper is to assess the awareness of sustainability from different perspectives of government, industry, and academia. The significant of this study is how to promote sustainability in a country with limited resources and special conditions. The primary data was collected through conducting semi-structured and in-depth interviews with CEOs and decision makers of the major stakeholders in government, industry, and academia. In addition, secondary data were used, which included literature review of current practices documented in government and NGOs reports

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