


The phenomenon of hoax spread along with the increasing of penetration and ability of people in using internet. Some of the causes of spreading fake information in society is that every individual is faced era flood of information, supported by the ease of accessing it through the internet. Given these conditions, interested parties perceive an opportunity for spreading misleading information in order to achieve group goals and ambitions.The purpose of this quantitative study is to analyze the characteristics of hoax and their sources of dissemination in social media facebook and instagram by focusing on polytical topics in Indonesia. The method applied is descriptive content analysis with data processing using manual coding technique and coding sheet. The analysis is done by quantitative descriptive approach presented in the form of frequency table and bar diagram.The results show that the main factor for detecting hoax in social media is through message sources. Every individual needs to understand who the content creator is or from which media the content is acquired. The findings here indicate that in a political context, party or maker account can be classified into two, namely spin doctor and cyber army. Where they are tasked to build a positive image of actors or political parties by conducting intense communication to the public. While the character of the message in terms of content, language, and characteristics of writing. The result is that an absolute judgment can not be dropped for what is on the page of the account under investigation. It is therefore necessary to critically assess the source profile and to check, verify any evidence and data available

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