Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas de football aux États-Unis ? l'autre "exceptionnalisme" américain


Why is there no soccer in the United States ? The other American " exceptionalism ", Andrei S. Markovits. Soccer was rejected in the United States because of the development of sports consi- dered more in accordance with the national culture of the New World. At both Harvard and Yale in the 19th century, American football was imposed from above, out of an elitist reflex towards British imported games. The more popular baseball prevented the social extension of soccer to the population at large. Like the weakness of socialism in that " bourgeois " society, that of soccer is the second sign of a certain American " exceptionalism " pointed out at the beginning of the 20th century by Werner Sombart.MARKOVITS. Pourquoi n'y a-t-il pas de football aux États-Unis ? l'autre "exceptionnalisme" américain. In: Vingtième Siècle, revue d'histoire, n°26, avril-juin 1990. Le football, sport du siècle. pp. 19-36

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