Research on Layer Manufacturing Techniques at Fraunhofer


Within the German Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the Fraunhofer Alliance Rapid Prototyping unites the competences of 12 institutes in the field of solid freeform fabrication. Covered competences are virtual and computer-aided product planning methods and techniques, the development and integration of materials and processes for different industrial sectors. This paper presents actual research results on layer manufacturing within the Fraunhofer- Gesellschaft based on examples from Fraunhofer ILT »Laser Melting - Direct manufacturing of metal parts with unique properties«, Fraunhofer IFAM »ecoMold - A novel concept to produce molds for plastic injection molding and pressure die casting« and Fraunhofer IPT »Quick manufacture, repair and modification of steel molds using Controlled Metal Build Up (CMB)«.Mechanical Engineerin

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