Radiation practices : Annual report 2018


A total of 3052 safety licences for the use of ionizing radiation were current at the end of 2018. The use of radiation was controlled through regular inspections performed at places of use, test packages sent by post to dental X-ray facilities and maintenance of the Dose Register. The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) conducted 592 inspections of safetylicensed practices in 2018. The inspections resulted in 393 repair orders issued. In addition, radiation safety guides were published and research was conducted in support of regulatory control. A total of 12 002 occupationally exposed workers were subject to individual monitoring in 2018. 75 852 dose entries were recorded in the Dose Register maintained by STUK. In 2018, regulatory control of the use of non-ionizing radiation (NIR) focused on laser equipment, sunbeds, radio appliances and cosmetic NIR applications. Forty-five cases of sales or import of dangerous laser devices were found through regulatory control. Fifteen on-site inspections of show lasers were conducted. Municipal health protection authorities submitted the details of the inspections of 30 sunbed facilities to STUK for evaluation and decision. In addition to this, five sunbed facilities were surveyed on the basis of STUK’s own monitoring. In metrological activities, national metrological standards were maintained for the calibration of radiation meters used in radiotherapy, radiation protection and X-ray imaging as well as the calibration of radon meters used for measurement of radon in air. In measurement comparisons, STUK’s results were clearly within the acceptable range. There were 110 abnormal events related to radiation use in 2018. Of these events, 30 concerned the use of radiation in industry and research, 75 the use of radiation in health care, two the use of radiation in veterinary practices and three the use of non-ionizing radiation. In addition, 1149 events and near misses with an estimated minor significance for safety were reported for health care. In 2018, nearly 8000 radon measurements at nearly 2100 workplaces were recorded in the national radon database. At conventional workplaces, the radon concentration exceeded 400 Bq/m3 at approximately 15 per cent of the measured workplaces. The radon concentration exceeded the new reference value of 300 Bq/m3 at approximately 20 per cent of the measured workplaces

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