
Multimodality in the GARCH Regression Model


Several aspects of GARCH(p,q) models that are relevant for empirical applications are investigated. In particular, it is noted that the inclusion of dummy variables as regressors can lead to multimodality in the GARCH likelihood. This invalidates standard inference on the estimated coefficients. Next, the implementation of different restrictions on the GARCH parameter space is considered. A refinement to the Nelson and Cao (1992) conditions for a GARCH(2,q) model is presented, and it is shown how these can then be implemented by parameter transformations. It is argued that these conditions may also be too restrictive, and a simpler alternative is introduced which is formulated in terms of the unconditional variance. Finally, examples show that multimodality is a real concern for models of the £/$ exchange rate, especially when p>2.Dummy variable, EGARCH, GARCH, Multimodality.

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