
Better…Stronger…Faster: Improving Your Skills Through Self-Assessment


As interlibrary loan librarians and paraprofessionals work to improve the speed, convenience, and visibility of the services we provide, we may often overlook the importance of our own involvement in the process. Taking an introspective look at your role and overall professional knowledge, with the intent to sharpen and enhance the services provided, can improve workflow and provide opportunities to promote interlibrary loan services to our institutions. Literature discusses the assessment of services and users, but has focused less on the professional’s skills. Assessing your knowledge of your library’s collection, measuring your processing times, and knowing where to find answers can help you set goals and meet objectives to build your department into an efficient and well-regarded unit. This presentation will discuss some tools a new interlibrary loan librarian has explored, their implications, and the vast body of self-assessment possibilities

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