Precedence probability, prediction interval and a combinatorial identity


Precedence tests are simple yet useful nonparametric tests based on two specified order statistics from independent random samples or, equivalently, on the count of the number of observations from one of the samples preceding some order statistic of the other sample. The probability that an order statistic from the second sample exceeds an order statistic from the first sample is termed the precedence probability. When the distributions are the same, this probability can be calculated exactly, without any specific knowledge of the underlying common continuous distribution. This fact can be utilized to set up nonparametric prediction intervals in a number of situations. In this paper, prediction intervals are considered for the number of second sample observations that exceed a particular order statistic of the first sample. To aid the user, tables are provided for small sample sizes, where exact calculations are most necessary. The same tables can be used to implement a precedence test for small sample sizes. Finally, a combinatorial identity is proved. Keywords: Distribution-free; Extremes; Exceedance and Precedence; Nonparametric; Order statistics

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