
Credit Risk and Bank Lending in the Czech Republic


This project undertakes an empirical analysis in credit risk modeling using a data sample representative of bank lending to the Czech corporate sector. A rating system is constructed using a proprietary database (Creditreform) that provides a solvency index for a large number of Czech firms. Several methods for the calibration and validation of a rating system are described and tested in practice. On the basis of a representative portfolio for Czech industries, systemic predictions of regulatory and economic capital are obtained and compared. The methodologies formulated by the latest Consultative Document of the NBCA (April 2003) and by the Credit Metrics and CreditRisk+ models are applied. The main contributions of this project can be briefly summarized as follows, (a) it shows in an applied manner that input data problems in credit risk modeling can be overcome, (b) it sheds light on regulatory issues that are gaining increasing relevance, and (c) it outlines the most important features of two credit risk models.Credit Risk, Economic Capital, Exchange Rate Exposure, Rating System.

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