
Conservation Pakage for Modal Ecorace


Conserving biodiversity is about genetic variety, species, habitats and ecosystems. All are important, but it is often most appropriate, practical and effective to focus on species. With modern conservation awareness, there is a welcome and popular commitment to maintaining the diversity of species in India. Nevertheless, over the last 50 years, we have witnessed the severe decline of many once widespread and familiar species, such as tropical Tasar silkworm Antherea mylitta D. Conservation is not just about avoiding extinctions, but about restoring or recovering species populations to secure levels and preventing other species from reaching such a perilous situation in the first place. Species, by their very nature, have specific ecological requirements. They may appear to share the same habitat with many others but each has a different, specific niche. It is what sets them apart, and makes them what they are. Habitat loss has historically been a factor in species decline. However, the way existing habitats are managed is also important

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