Editor\u27s Note


With this issue of Newport History, we cross Newport Harbor and Narragansett Bay to examine Some Jamestown Summer People, as written by Mary R. Miner. The Jamestown Summer Colony was a community separated from the more well-known watering hole in Newport not only by water, but also by the diversity of its members and the types of activities in which they participated. If imitation truly is the sincerest form of flattery, then the statue of the Comte de Rochambeau designed by Fernand Hamar and installed in the Place St. Martin in Paris in 1900 is among the most flattered sculptures in the world. Four versions of this statue exist today, including one in Newport in King Park, the landing site of Rochambeau and his army in 1780. Also in this issue, From the Collection offers insights into the use of museum objects as research sources

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