
Hunter-gatherers in a howling wilderness: Neoliberal capitalism as a language that speaks itself


The 'self-referential' character of evolutionary process noted by Goldenfeld and Woese (2010) can be restated in the context of a generalized Darwinian theory applied to economic process through a 'language' model: The underlying inherited and learned culture of the firm, the short-time cognitive response of the firm to patterns of threat and opportunity that is sculpted by that culture, and the embedding socioeconomic environment, are represented as interacting information sources constrained by the asymptotic limit theorems of information theory. If unregulated, the larger, compound, source that characterizes high probability evolutionary paths of this composite then becomes, literally, a self-dynamic language that speaks itself. Such a structure is, for those enmeshed in it, more akin to a primitive hunter-gatherer society at the mercy of internal ecological dynamics than to, say, a neolithic agricultural community in which a highly ordered, deliberately adapted, ecosystem is consciously farmed so as to match its productivity to human needs

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