
Phosphatidylserine polarization is required for proper Cdc42 localization and for development of cell polarity.


We used genetically-encoded fluorescent probes to visualize the distribution of phosphatidylserine (PS) in live S. cerevisiae. The majority of the PS was found to reside in the cytosolic leaflet of the plasma membrane. Remarkably, PS was polarized, accumulating in bud necks, the bud cortex and the tips of mating projections. Polarization required vectorial delivery of PS-enriched secretory and recycling vesicles. Rapid dissipation of the PS gradient is prevented by the slow diffusion of lipids along the plasmalemmal inner leaflet, estimated by photobleaching recovery measurements to be over an order of magnitude slower than in mammalian cells. In mutants lacking PS-synthase the absence of PS was associated with, and likely responsible for impaired polarization of the Cdc42 complex, leading to inhibition of bud emergence, diminished growth rate and abolishment of mating. The results indicate that PS polarization is required for optimal Cdc42 targeting and activation during cell division and mating

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