Strategic Plan for the School of Law


The improvement of the Law School over the past twenty-five years has been a remarkable story of success. To preserve the Law School\u27s hard-won progress and to achieve the goal of moving it into the front ranks of this country\u27s great law schools will require a renewed commitment to its sustained excellence and a substantial enhancement of both private and state resources. The Law School will need some $125,000 in additional state funding for FY90 to get its budget into equilibrium and to maintain its present level of operations. Assuming funding then at the level currently projected, but no additional new resources, the Law School would concentrate its attention on enriching and reshaping incrementally its educational program to achieve an appropriate mix of both theory and skills courses with its already strong core of traditional doctrinal offerings to prepare its graduates for the demands of the legal profession in the Twenty-First Century. Simultaneously, the Law School would pursue the goal of institutionalizing a greater research ethos by seeking ways to meet instructional demands while offering faculty members more opportunities for research through release time from teaching

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