
Dissociation of Alzheimer's morphological pathology from cognitive impairment


We observed the Alzheimer's morphological pathology, amyloid production induces Alzheimer's cognitive impairment, was dissociated from the cognitive impairment. The earlier Alzheimer's pathological changes can be induced in normal C57BL mice, by B6 deficient feeding 4 months with no amyloid, and this cognitive and memory impairments were completely inhibited by anti-homocysteic acid antibody. According to Koch's postulate, if a pathogen of Alzheimer's disease is administrated to the normal animal, we would observe the Alzheimer's cognitive impairment in the normal animal. We actually have observed this cognitive impairment in normal C57BL male mice with no amyloid. From our observations, it is suggested the dissociation of Alzheimer's morphological pathology may be possible from the cognitive impairment

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