
General anesthesia for the surgical repair of a tarsometatarsal fracture in a Harris's Hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus)


A Harris's Hawk was referred for severe lameness of the left pelvic limb. Clinical examination and radiography revealed an open transverse diaphyseal fracture in the proximal third of the tarsometatarsal bone. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen after premedication with buprenorphine intramuscularly. Closed reduction and stabilization using a Type IIa external skeletal fixation device was performed during anesthesia lasting 70 minutes. Recovery was fast, uneventful and complete 15 minutes after isoflurane was stopped. Meloxicam (0.5mg/kg bid) was administered as analgesic and and marbofloxacine (15mg/kg bid) as antibiotic therapy during the post-operative period

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