Foot-and-mouth disease vaccine potency testing in cattle using homologous and heterologous challenge strains: Precision of the "Protection against Podal Generalisation" test


&lt;p&gt;The level of protection conferred by foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccines in primovaccinated animals primarily depends on the potency of the vaccine and the relatedness of the vaccine strain and circulating field isolate. The &quot;Gold Standard&quot; FMD vaccine potency test is the in vivo test performed in the target species. The objective of the study was to determine the precision of the in vivo &quot;Protection against Podal Generalisation&quot; (PPG) FMD vaccine potency test in cattle using homologous (vaccine quality control) and heterologous (vaccine matching) viral challenge. The overall level of protection induced by the A(24) Cruzeiro/Brazil/55 vaccine used in six homologous PPG tests was 88.5%. Vaccine accordance (VACC) and vaccine concordance (VCON) were estimated to be 75.9% and 73.7%, respectively. In four heterologous challenge PPG tests, the overall level of cross-protection induced by the A(24) Cruzeiro/Brazil/55 vaccine against A Argentina/2001 challenge was 26.6%, with VACC and VCON values of 65.7% and 59.2%, respectively. Results indicate that the homologous PPG test is more reliable than the European Pharmacopoeia potency test, but that a larger number of animals should be used in order to increase the test&#039;s statistical power. In this regard, indirect alternative tests for vaccine potency and vaccine matching merit consideration.&lt;/p&gt;</p

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