
Trichoplax, the simplest known animal, contains an estrogen-related receptor: Implications for the evolution of vertebrate and invertebrate estrogen receptors


Although, as their names imply, vertebrate and invertebrate estrogen receptors [ERs] and estrogen-related receptors [ERRs] are related transcription factors, their evolutionary relationships to each other are not fully understood. We searched recently sequenced genome of _Trichoplax_, the simplest known animal, and genomes from three lophotrochozoans: _Capitella_, a worm, _Helobdella robusta_, a leech, and _Lottia gigantea_, a snail, to elucidate the origins and evolution of ERs and ERRs. BLAST found an ERR in _Trichoplax_, but no ER. BLAST searches of the lophotrochozaons found ERRs in all three and invertebrate ERs in _Capitella_ and _Lottia_, but not in _Helobdella_. These database searches and a phylogenetic analyses indicate that invertebrate ERs arose in a protostome, and vertebrate ERs arose later in deuterostome

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