
De heelkundige behandeling van tepel- en uieraandoeningen bij het rund, deel II : stenosen, incontinentia lactis, uieramputatie, tumoren, hematoom


This review article especially features the surgical treatment of udder and teat lesions in cattle. In part I anatomical specificities and different anesthetic techniques were described. Surgical treatment of supernumerary teats, accessory teats and teat fistulas was discussed. Most attention was paid to etiology, examination, prognosis, treatment and prophylaxis of teat wounds. In this part teat stenosis, leaking teat, mastectomy and hemimastectomy, mammary tumours and pre- and intramammary haematoma are reported. The treatment of teat canal obstructions is discussed in depth. The conservative treatment and the surgical treatment through the teat canal orifice or by thelotomy are described

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