
Phase modulators ands splitting network on Si PIC coherent fiber beam combining


Coherent beam combining (CBC) of fiber lasers provide an attractive mean of reaching high output laser power by scaling up the available energy while keeping fiber intrinsic advantages of compactness, reliability, efficiency, and beam quality. In CBC architectures, the power of a master oscillator (MO) is divided into N fibers that are amplified individually. The phase perturbations between channels can be measured using various techniques [1-3] and are corrected by individual phase modulators placed on each fiber before the amplification. In this Communication, we present a Silicon PIC integrating a 1:16 channels splitting network and thermal phase modulators array with low electrical power consumption and a bandwidth compatible with CBC requirements. In our CBC system, a 1.55µm CW master oscillator directly feeds the Silicon chip through a grating coupler, as shown in Fig.1(a). The power of the master oscillator is first split on chip into 16 channels, each of which including a thermal phase modulator. The outputs of the 16 waveguides are collectively out-coupled from the chip using a PM optical fiber array aligned and glued onto the PIC’s output grating couplers array [4]. At the other end of fiber array, the 16 fiber outputs are arranged in a 4 by 4 squared lattice, and collimated by a microlens array to form 16 collimated and parallel beamlets. The phase distribution from channel to channel is derived from the fringe pattern resulting from the collimated beamlets interfering with a reference plane wave on a camera. This signal is fed back to drive the PIC’s phase modulators in order to phase lock the 16 fiber

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