
Floating universal quantifier as a base-generated head in the VP periphery


The universal quantifier niz in Kavalan can immediately precede its DP associate or appear in a quantifier-floating construction where it is separated from its DP associate. This paper argues that floating niz is not derived from its non-floating counterpart as a result of stranding. They differ morphosyntactically and semantically. First of all, while non-floating niz in a negative sentence exhibits scope reconstruction, floating niz in a negative sentence induces scope-freezing effect. Secondly, floating niz should be analyzed as a full-fledged verb, whereas non-floating niz is a nominal modifier. Thirdly, floating niz is not sensitive to A/A’ distinction. Fourthly, floating and non-floating niz can co-occur in a sentence. Finally, floating niz can receive interpretations that are not available to non-floating niz. The differences between floating and non-floating niz indicate that they are derivationally distinct. The fact that floating niz is morphosyntactically realized as a verb further suggests that it is base-generated in a functional head in the VP periphery

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