
3D elemental imaging of the crustacean Ceriodaphnia by means of SR confocal micro-XRF


Daphnia is a freshwater crustacean (0.2-5 mm height) used for investigating the toxic effects of toxins (e.g. metals) on an ecosystem. Synchrotron radiation based micro X-ray fluorescence (SR micro-XRF) allows the investigation of the trace level metal distribution within these organisms in an essentially non-destructive manner. Several two-dimensional (2D), computed tomography (CT) and confocal micro-XRF experiments under conventional and cryogenic environments have been performed on Daphnia magna previously. However, due to its larger size (3 mm height) full three-dimensional (3D) imaging of the metal distributions is not practically feasible. In this contribution, we therefore report on the full 3D elemental imaging on Ceriodaphnia which is a smaller variant (1 mm height) by means of 3D confocal micro-XRF

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