
119Sn liquid NMR study of Sn-S metal chalcogenide complexes


In the field of light-emitting devices, solar cells and photodetectors, inorganic colloidal nanoparticles are very promising because of their interesting physical and chemical properties. One drawback of these materials is that in order to keep them stable in solution they need to be stabilized with surface ligands. These surface ligands are for example molecules with long hydrocarbon chains (C8-C18). As a result, the nanoparticles are surrounded by a highly insulating barrier that makes their use in above devices problematic. One way of getting rid of this problem is exchanging these long ligands with shorter ones or with inorganic molecules such as molecular Metal Chalcogenide Complexes (MCCs). They keep the nanoparticles stabilized in the colloid and enable strong electronic coupling. An interesting MCC ligand is for example Sn2S64-. However, when this MCC solution is synthesized, also other Sn-complexes (f.e. SnS44-) can be formed. The lack of hydrogen atoms in these systems makes them challenging to characterize, moreover, literature concerning these systems is scarce. Using 119Sn NMR we attempted a full characterization of the solutions of MCC complexes as synthesized

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