
FE-modeling of damage of twill carbon/epoxy composite on meso-scale, materials characterization and experimental verification


Aim of this work is to evaluate the damage in twill carbon/epoxy composites on meso-scale level (fabric unit cell level). Averaged stiffness, Poisson ratios of pre- and post damage phase are calculated based on numerical homogenization technique with periodic boundary conditions (PBCs). The static strengths and initiation of the damage are calculated and validated by experiments. The anisotropic stiffness degradation model is implemented into Abaqus (R) UMAT. The algorithm of quasi-static damage is further used to model the cycles of the fatigue loading, together with the experimental S-N curves of unidirectional composite (UD), utilized as input data for the impregnated yarns. The output of the model is S-N curve of textile composites

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