
Minimaliseerders en negatief gebonden of-constructies


Welschen (1999) discusses a typically Dutch complex sentence construction: its clauses are connected by the conjunction of (‘or’) and the first clause contains a negation or restriction. This construction, traditionally known as a ‘balansconstructie’ (‘balance construction’, in contrast with coordinative and subordinative constructions) is labelled ‘negatively bound of-construction’ (NoC) in this book. It is to be distinguished from other types of asymmetric of-construction, like the ultimative one (which is also known in other languages: ‘Stop or I shoot’). The four-category typology proposed by Welschen, contains a sequential type, being closely related to the ultimative construction. An analysis of the behaviour of minimalizing expressions (the Dutch equivalents of ‘not a SHRED, not an INCH’ and the like) reveals that the boundaries between the ultimative construction and the sequential NoC need to be re-drawn

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