
Multi-stakeholder involvement and urban green space performance


This study aimed to identify the main factors influencing urban green space performance. Therefore, a conceptual framework on the relations of multi-stakeholder involvement (MSI) and the performance was conducted by a mixed-method approach. The study covered all urban green space projects (UGSPs) published in international journals as its population which were obtained from three main databases: ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus and Picarta. Using a few combinations of keywords, 29 relevant journals were identified, which included 42 UGSPs as the main units of analysis in this study. A content analysis was used to determine the contribution of MSI to the performance of urban green space. The main internal (state, private, society, planning/design, implementation, maintenance, input for management, and financial support) and external (regulation, good leadership and financial support) MSI indicators were further identified. The findings showed that the main indicators that significantly influence urban green space performance are 'state, society, implementation and regulation'. The study concluded that the state plays a critical role in the UGSPs' performance although it is not the only actor. The influential role of the state and society should also be considered since most of green space projects are non-profit oriented. 'Society' involvement also contributes to the performance and 'regulation' is also needed as a legal basis for green space development and management. To validate the conceptual framework and mixed-method approach developed here, it is recommended that more studies should be conducted to compare the relationship of the MSI and the UGSPs' performance in different categories

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