
Introducing small storage capacity at residential PV installations to prevent overvoltages


Low voltage distribution feeders are designed for unidirectional energy supply from transformer to consumer. However, the implementation of small-scale PV production units on local utilities may result in bidirectional energy flows. The simultaneous power injection at sunny moments may cause a serious voltage rise along the feeder. These overvoltages may not only damage critical loads but also switches PV inverters off causing loss of green energy at the most productive moments. This paper presents a method to limit the voltage rise by introducing small battery buffers at local production sites. A smart inverter decides whether the PV energy is injected in the grid or buffered in the batteries. The relation between battery buffer size and overvoltage reduction is presented for a typical Belgian residential distribution feeder. The influence of the buffer along the feeder is calculated by working with synthetic load profiles and solar irradiation data

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