Rajagopal, K., Schaeps, L., Finders, A., & Van der Vegt, W. (2013). Connect The Dots Reflection Tool Visualisations. [Software]. Available under the GNU LGPL licence version 3 or higher.The Connect The Dots! Reflection Tool can be used by individuals to build and articulate their personal knowledge on a domain. The tool can also be used by communities or a group of people to capture their shared understanding of a domain of common interest. In this release tags are obtained through the Scoop.it API. Various visualisations are available on this data. At this moment, the tool is implemented as a set of portlets for the Liferay 6 EE (version 6 SP2) portal. Sources are maintained in the code repository of the Open Universiteit at Sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/projects/openu